Spawn / Unspawn
The Spawner
Each waypoint can be turned into a Spawner by clicking on the Is Spawner parameter.
The purpose of the spawner is to spawn the cars of your traffic system at runtime.
The spawner spawns cars when it is hidden from the main camera.
Here is a list of the parameters:
Car Prefabs: A list of prefabs that represent the cars you want to spawn
Car Tag: the tag of the car GameObjects
Max Distance To Spawn: The maximum distance from the camera to spawn cars
Min Distance To Spawn: The minimum distance from the camera to spawn cars
Spawn Interval: the time interval at which cars will be spawned
Check Free Spawner Radius: a radius around the spawner to check if this space already contains cars (if it does, the car will not be spawned)
The Unspawner
The Unspawn script must be placed on the object to be destroyed (the car)
Its purpose is to destroy the car when it is no longer seen from the main camera.
Here is a list of the parameters:
Unspawn Delay: The delay after which the object will be destroyed
Allow Unspawn Min Radius: The distance the object must be from the camera to be destroyed.
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